Check out this site to find original articles on local clubs, musicians, and events, as well as, reviews of Jazz recordings, a great calendar and information about Jazz Society activities in the Pacific Northwest. Learn more
This site is a no-nonsense calendar of dates and locations for dancing in the Portland metropolitan area. Links provide more detailed information for each event. Learn more
The Portland Lindy Society (PLS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of swing dancing and jazz in Portland, Oregon. PLS organizes and sponsors many swing dancing events in Portland. Learn more
Joe Marcinkiewicz is a world renowned maker of trumpets and brass instrument mouthpieces. Joe is also a fantastic jazz trumpet player with an extensive history of playing with many great jazz legends. His company is located locally in Canby, Oregon. If you are looking for the finest quality handmade trumpet or mouthpiece, Marcinkiewicz is the place to find it. Learn more
Located in Vancouver Washington, Beacock Music is the largest independent music store in the Pacific Northwest. If you are a musician new to the Northwest, you will find Beacock Music to be “the” source for all your music needs. If you are a musician who has been living in the area for any length of time, no more needs to be said. Learn more
Jumptown Big Band wishes to thank the artistic contributions from photographers Nancy and Matthew Stovall in providing us with great images for our website and marketing materials. We highly recommend their services for any event requiring high quality professional photography. Learn more